This project has very private backstory. But I can tell you.

(I was inspired by Duvet Days project).
When I was 22, doctors diagnosed me 'endometriosis'. This is an incurable gynecological disease. The tissues of the uterus (called the 'endometrium') grows-in uterus muscle at first, then ovaries and tubes, then intestines and above in another organs. This misplaced endometrium bleeds every time when woman has her period. It is causing severe pain, permanent weakness and infertility. My endometriosis was at a serious stage, and needs difficult surgery.

Poster mockup designed by denamorado, / Freepik
I was young, scared and confused by so serious diagnosis. So, I googled about disease to understand what's going on. I was hoping to read sensitive information and see patient-friendly medical diagrams. But I got even more upset. Instead there was naturalistic bloody illustrations and photographs of surgeries. In every article from women's online magazines, in every blog of medical clinics.
It is not what you want to see. Because you are scared already.

As an illustrator, I studied the issue. I found that many women with gynecological diagnoses around the world do not know enough about the changes in their bodies. One reason is fact that artists don't make patient-focused assets.

Rupture of 'chocolate cyst', or 'endometrioma'. It is dangerous condition, when the ovary damaged by endometriosis. The cyst accumulates menstrual blood in the ovary during many period cycles, but it hasn't exit. Eventually, it ruptures, and old menstrual blood liquid spills into the abdominal cavity.
I have selected several such diseases that affect the quality of their lives and drew medical diagrams. To that artworks do not frighten and upset patients, I used minimum details and natural shades with a brown undertones. I refused tumors, boils and wounds with flowers and instead used metaphors such as leaves and flowers.

Another condition is polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. Many small cysts attach to the ovary and prevent it from working correctly. This causes extensive metabolic and hormonal disorders, which are very difficult to control even with medication.
No brown shades and medical naturalism.

Uterine cancer, or endometrial cancer. This is the most common type of gynecological cancer. Most often this faces women with menopause.
In the process of work, I learned more about gynecological diseases, including endometriosis. It was a wonderful experience that helped me deal with my own worries.

I ended up distributing the works from this series on microstocks. Many online medias and health organizations have used them. This made it possible to make information for girls and women more delicate and friendly.