'...the brain comes to a conclusion unexpectedly rather than gradually'.
A. Fontanini did an experiment. Lab rats heard a sound signal, after which they were fed a water with a different flavor. Scientists have done this again and again. As a result, the brain of rat began to think that felt taste even before food was put in its mouth.

'...[as a result of the experiment] a length of delay [of taste anticipation in rats] have accelerated'.
I have pictured this scene as a fortune-teller-rat making predictions with a crystal ball. But instead of a ball — the serving tray with lid. This rat already knows in advance that there is a cookie inside.

'The most important conclusions of scientific research is the changing views of code role of neurons from the static [subordinating to the brain] to the dynamic'.
Neuron cell is being trained with Battle Ropes. This sport requires intensive participation and strength. The role of ropes are acting by axon (it is long projection of a nerve cell). So I pictured that neurons are much more proactive than we have seen before.

'neural circuit of the cerebral cortex'
⬆️ Many of neuron cells hold hands and forming 'framework' around the brain — cerebral cortex. ⬆️